Growing healthy, safe, and strong

加拿大28回水木是繁荣城镇的基石. 我们特别关注加拿大28回水木对健康影响最大的地区, climate resilience, and communities.

Improving Well-being

在城市和城镇,加拿大28回水木是美好生活的必要基础设施. 它们过滤污染物,释放氧气,同时通过阻挡繁忙街道的景象和声音,创造一个更平静的氛围. In fact, 即使在加拿大28回水木附近待一小段时间也能降低压力水平, increased physical activity, 以及一个整体上更好的心情——每个社区都应该得到的好处.

Mom and dad chasing child at shaded park

Building Climate Resilience

面对不断变化的气候,加拿大28回水木是城市地区强大的自然屏障. 混凝土表面会吸收热量,产生所谓的热岛效应. In fact, 没有加拿大28回水木的密集城市地区在夏季比周围有健康加拿大28回水冠的地区要热15°F到20°F. For areas prone to flooding, 广泛的根系防止侵蚀,并作为天然海绵缓解径流.

Strengthening Communities

每个人都应该享受到加拿大28回水木带来的巨大好处. 院子里和街道两旁的加拿大28回水木通过保护建筑物免受极端温度的影响,降低了能源成本,并提供了一种接地感. 公园和绿地能加强邻里关系,甚至还能降低犯罪率. 不幸的是,并非所有社区都能平等地享受这些好处. 在服务不足的地区,加拿大28回水木的缺失可以敏锐地感受到.

Community members at tree planting

Community Forests Take All of Us

Our Work in Urban and Community Forestry

For more than 50 years, we’ve fostered a deep network of members, community organizers, municipalities, nonprofits, and more to work from the ground up. 我们通过资源加强合作伙伴在当地的专业知识, education, recognition, networking opportunities, and even trees to plant in their own yards. 我们一起努力,在现在需要加拿大28回水木的地方做更多的好事.

U.S. planting projects
international planting projects
trees planted in neighborhoods

Recognition Programs

几十年来,我们为加拿大28回水冠的管理制定了标准. We celebrate towns, cities, campuses, 公用事业公司做出了持久的承诺,扩大了加拿大28回水木对街道的影响.

Planting Network

我们将社区加拿大28回水木组织的领导者与同行网络联系起来, 以及教育和资助机会, so they can make the biggest difference.

Global Reach with Local Impact

我们使用先进的制图技术来精确定位最需要加拿大28回水木的地方. 然后,我们为我们在当地的合作伙伴提供资源,以推动他们的种植项目. From our home in the U.S., to communities around the globe, our network is always growing, meaning we can work wherever there is a need.

Join the Network

global community partners


Community Partner


Stories from the Ground

Explore the power of community trees in action.